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Agency View: Creating a Link via Carrier Contracts Tab
Every Spark agency gets their own dedicated contracting request link to share with agents. Let's see what the experience is like for agency principals.
To get started with the Carrier Contract Forms, click on Agency View on the top right corner.
Navigate to the Carrier contracts tab and select Downline contracting forms.
Agents often make mistakes naming their Direct upline or Level. You'll be able to select the correct options for both, eliminating this common error.
Choose the level of the downline that will receive the carrier contracting form:
- Street
- License only agent (LOA)
- Principal or above street
Each option generates a unique link for the level selected.
Need to search for a different upline? Click the dropdown to find the correct Direct upline to ensure the correct form is generated.
Once the link is generated, click to copy and then paste in an email or text.
To view more documentation regarding the Carrier Contracts tab, please see: