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Finance & Commissions
Understand how carriers pay you commissions, how to view any override payments you earn, how to forecast your business, and how to submit marketing receipts.
Finances at Spark
We created a quick guide on commissions, receiving payments, and Marketing Co-Ops. You can read through it below.
Forecast your business
Turn your annual goals into measurable daily achievements. Use this business plan to set your goals and track your progress.
Understand your commissions
Commissions can get complicated, so you’re not alone if you’re feeling lost! Commission amounts may be impacted by the base CMS rate, type of plan, seasonality, beneficiary eligibility, state, and numerous other factors. In this primer, we’ll give you the tools to decipher both street and override commission statements.
View your commissions and overrides
If you earn override commissions, or Spark pays your commissions directly for specific regional carriers, you can view the statements directly on the platform. View our walkthrough to view commissions and overrides here.
You can also view you commission statements and payment history directly on your Tipalti Supplier’s Portal by following the instructions in this walkthrough.
Understand your available co-op marketing
Our goal is to make it seamless for you to track and manage your co-op balance. We’ll break down where you can view marketing co-op you have earned, spent, and approved for your downline agents. Learn how to view your available co-op through our walkthrough.
Submit marketing receipts
You may have a co-op agreement with your upline or Spark directly. If so, you’ll need to submit receipts for your marketing expenses. You can view our walkthrough to submit marketing receipts directly on our platform here and can also go submit marketing receipts through our reimbursement form here.
Purchasing a books of business
If you are an agent or agency considering the purchase of another agent’s book of business, read our guide to understand how you might evaluate and structure the deal.
Frequently asked questions
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