Getting started
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Carrier Resources
Send a Scope of Appointment
Send an individual contact a scope with just three clicks or generate a filtered list of contacts and bulk email SOAs.
Time-saving features:
- Get your scopes signed 3 ways: in-person, via email, or send a link via SMS
- Custom branding: Add your logo and color scheme so your contacts see your brand from day 1
- Auto-save to your account: Once your contacts have signed their scope, it will automatically save to their profile - no more manual uploads.
- Bulk Send SOAs: Send SOAs to a specific group of clients through contact filtering
- Have your contacts sign the SOA at the end of completing their Needs Assessment survey
- Spanish translation: With just a click of a button!
Getting Started
Sending SOA: Sign in Advance
Beneficiaries must sign a Scope of Appointment at least 48 hours before a scheduled appointment. If it’s within the required 48 hours, you can type in a reason once the box generates on the form
Sending SOA: Sign in Person
If you’re meeting with a contact in person or if they’re a walk-in, you can also use the Sign in Person workflow to get the SOA generated immediately upon filling out the products they would like to discuss
Bulk Sending SOAs
With Bulk SOAs, you can bulk send SOAs to a group of contacts in just a few clicks! You can use the pre-existing reports that are located in the Contacts tab, or generate a filtered list through our Edit Report flow. You can generate a report for T65 clients or even prospects. Once your report is generated, you can go through the bulk SOA process and the contacts would receive it as expected via email
Sending a SOA to get signed through a Needs Assessment survey
Save time without having to send multiple surveys and forms by having your contact sign the SOA through the Needs Assessment survey. You can have them sign the SOA through the Needs Assessment form once completed. With new prospects, once they’ve filled out their Permission to Contact form and then the Medicare Intake Form, they will be given the option to sign the Scope of Appointment.