Getting started
The Spark platform
Back office
Carrier Resources
User Management
Provide access to your Spark account with various levels of permissions.
Who’s it For?
If you have administrative assistants or team members that are in your agency, the User Management feature can allow for you to give access and platform views to whoever you’d like. Agency Principals can get access to their downline agents’ platforms to view information on their book of business, too.
Getting Started
User Setup Walkthrough
Once you’ve invited a user to have specific permissions to view your platform, they’ll receive an email to get started. You can view your User Management page directly in the platform here.
Editing User Management Permissions
If you want to change the permissions for a user that you’ve invited, or you want to revoke access, you can do so directly in the Manage Users settings as well. With this view, you’ll be able to keep track of the current status of everyone you’ve invited, their permissions, as well as make any quick changes
Understanding the Status
Each user that you invite to your platform will have a status for their platform access
Active - You have fully activated your user to have access to your platform. They can now successfully log into Spark and view the platform based on the permissions you’ve given them.
Invitation Sent - You’ve successfully sent the invitation to your user and are now waiting on them to view the invite, accept, and create a login if they don’t already have one.
Invitation Accepted - The user has now accepted the invitation and is waiting for you to Confirm and activate their access.
Revoked - You have fully removed the user from viewing your platform and they can no longer have access to the permissions you previously gave them. You can revoke and give them their access back at any time.
Understanding the Permissions
Agency Permissions
- Dashboards - Dashboard Tab
- Agents - View of all downline agents, their contact info, onboarding status, RTS for carriers, number of submitted applicaitons, and their last time they were active in the platform
- Carrier Contracts - Access to all downline statuses with their respective carrier contracts
- Production - A list of your agents and all their submitted applications. This includes the carrier for the application, the plan name, as well as the status and client information.
- Finances - Co-op views, override information, and Softr links
- Settings & User Management - Settings and access to manage users through the User Management feature
Agent Permissions
- Sales & Support - Contacts, Client Support, Activity, Providers, and Finance views
- Marketing - Marketing Materials, Marketing Profile, Sources, and Programs
- Dashboards - Dashboard Tab
- Carrier Contracts - Carrier Contracts Tab
Changing Views and Platforms
If you have an administrative assistant with access to multiple platforms or you’re an AP with access to other agent platforms, you’re able to change your view directly in the platform. You can easily swap between platforms and keep track of all the necessary data you’re given permission to see