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Marketing vs. Educational Events.pdf156.8KB
Educational and Sales_Marketing Events Guide (3).pdf358.8KB
Hosting a Sales(Marketing) Event Rules
- Sales/Marketing events are designed to steer or attempt to steer members or consumers toward a specific plan or a limited set of plans or for plan-specific retention activities.
- Sales/Marketing Events must be filed with CMS through a Carrier no less than 7 calendar days prior to the date of the event for formal and informal events. (not one-on-one appointments).
- Meals are NOT allowed at a Sales/Marketing Event. You may provide light snacks and refreshments provided that items could not be reasonably considered a meal.
The Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines (MCMG) defines 2 types of Sales/Marketing Events, Formal and Informal.
- Formal: In-person on Online Presenter style, where an agent presents a specific plan from a carrier.
- Informal: Booth, Kiosk or other less structured events (having a booth or table inside a retail store such as CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, etc.)
Marketing vs. Educational Events.pdf156.8KB
Offering Nominal Gifts to Beneficiaries
CMS prohibits offering gifts to beneficiaries unless the gifts are of “nominal” value.
Currently, nominal is:
Cash-equivalents mean:
How to File Events with Carriers
Alignment Health