Download an Introductory Presentation below:
Final Expense Introduction.pdf1629.6KB
Types of products
- Final expense: where you start, simplified underwriting small-life policy that's good for senior Medicare clients.
- AIG Guaranteed issue: get the policy without the same strict underwriting.
- Products to start with: AIG Final Expense (Guaranteed Issue), Gerber Life, Mutual of Omaha Living Promise, Aetna, Sons of Norway
- Fixed annuities: don't need an extra license to sell it, and typically a much better alternative if the client has money in CDs
- Most importantly: typically check in advance of policy being sold (esp. annuities) given that they're dealing with so much money.
Running quotes
Click on the link below to run a Final Expense Quote!
Want a quote?
Compete the forms below and send to if the quote is not for a guaranteed issue plan.
Life Insurance Fact Finder.pdf276.4KB
Final Expense Fact Finder.pdf700.5KB
- You typically get appointed when you have a life policy to sell. Don't need to do pre-appointments.
Details by client type:
(carriers to start with: GTL, Gerber, Mutual of Omaha, Aetna, AIG)